I embroidered this phrase as a motto - another world is possible. I haven't felt like sharing much on here, as the darkness of what is happening in so much of the world - in the Middle East - Gaza, especially, in other war zones. On a much smaller scale, here in Aotearoa our new government has just announced its plan to undo so much of the progress achieved here in the last few years.
This small meditation on avocado-dyed linen quotes from Arundhati Roy. The full phrase is: “Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”
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I've done a little making over the past month or so. It's been a busy time at work so I've not done as much as I would have liked! But imminent projects are simmering away in my mind and I think the summer break will be a good time to crack into some of them.
I made these little slippers for friends with a new baby girl. The yarn is a cotton-merino blend from Knitting for Olive and the pattern is the classic t-bar sandal from Debbie Bliss - I have an old copy of this book that I often turn to when baby knitting is in order.
And I finally finished that crochet blanket I've been blogging about since forever! I wrote more about process in this post, in case you're in the market to make something similar. I've already started another blanket because I really missed this project once it was done.
Ginger kisses! I remember having these, from the local bakery, as a special treat when we were kids. I recently made some to take to an event and they were delicious. Quite light with a gingery-cinnamon 'cream' (icing) inside. They're my new favourite thing to bake for a fancy afternoon tea or party. I used the recipe in Alexa Johnston's Ladies a Plate book - you can find this particular recipe here.
In music news, I recently bought some bluetooth headphones for walking home from work in the summer evenings. I've been enjoying listening to the new album by Sufjan Stevens - Javelin. This coming weekend, I'm excited to go to see The War on Drugs who are playing in Wellington. And then the next evening - Handel's Messiah by the NZ Symphony Orchestra. What is this lucky life?!
And finally, I wonder if you've noticed the new layout for this blog? I have been meaning to re-jig this page for ages and last week I finally did it. Mostly it just means larger photos and text - I hope you find it an improvement!
See you again soon friends and thank you as always for reading.
M x