Kia ora from a wintry and wild August! I hope you're keeping cosy, wherever you might be.
Thought it was time to share some of the things I've been working on lately.
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My friend Nikki kindly gave me a sweater-in-progress, after I admired it on Ravelry. It's the Trove Sweater, an all-over colourwork design from Pom Pom magazine #30 and she had knit the body and half of a sleeve. I couldn't believe my luck as the colour choices are divine - true sea-glass vibes - and she also included enough yarn to complete it.
It took me a while to match Nikki's gauge through swatching. But over the course of a few weeks, I completed the sleeves and the finished sweater is so good! Thank you, dear Nikki. Keira and I are both enjoying wearing it - it's super cosy and the fit is great for both of us (even though I'm a bigger size than K... how can that be?)
Here are my Ravelry notes, along with a link to the pattern, in case you're keen to knit it too.
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The other photos are just a few snaps from other things happening in August (that don't include the day-to-day reality of going to work, of course, as that's not so photogenic...)
There's a frog-in-progress (I'm making these wee guys for a friend), some ghostly coriander sun-prints (made from my gone-to-seed herbs when the sun was only out for a very short time), two new books I'm reading at the moment (How to be a Bad Muslim by Mohamed Hassan and How to Loiter in a Turf War by Coco Solid) plants and flowers from everyday life.
I hope you are doing very well, friends! Have you made yourself some new pillowcases or a good batch of lemon curd for your morning toast yet?