Slow Stitching in the Barn was a magical few days in Melbourne. I didn't bring my camera so have pinched the photos above from Instagram. I'll be sure to post more when I'm able to steal some from Felicia because I know she'll have some good ones.
In particular, I'd love to show some of the students' work, and the location and food, which was pretty special. You can see some of the stitching that was done by following the event's hashtag on Instagram - click here.
On the first day, I was teaching free-form embroidery along with Elizabeth Barnett who had designed a beautiful sampler pattern for her class, and then on the second day, the students chose between watercolour painting, hand-quilting with Felicia or garment embroidery.
The location was The Estate in Trentham where we had wooden trestle tables set up in the barn. There was also a flower and herb garden for inspiration and in my class we went outside to sketch flowers and leaves before stitching them.
As always, it was the people who really made the weekend special. Working with Felicia and her team again, and getting to know Elizabeth was a real highlight for me. And the other highlight was meeting all the women who attended the event, brought together by our shared love of making.
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