A few weeks ago I posted photos of some quirky and somewhat strange craft projects from The Book of Creative Crafts (1978). But in the book there are also some projects I really like - so I am posting those here today.
What do you think? Would you make any of these?
- duvet cover from large patchwork hexagons, in different fabric prints but all one colour. I think this would make a great bedspread for children - they could choose a colour and help pick out fabrics. I think it would also look great made from retro floral sheets.
- a felt flower necklace constructed a bit like a daisy chain, I think the flower centres are small yellow buttons, and then the whole necklace is fastened with a buttonhole that loops over one flower centre. You can click the photo for a better look.
- candles with pressed herbs and wildflowers. So pretty, though also seems like a lot of effort.
- my personal favourite, a chunky macrame hammock. How difficult do you think this would be? Because it would be perfect for the tropical plant laden conservatory that I'm always drinking cocktails and reading magazines in ; )