I made a few things for Arlo's birthday yesterday- some involved quite a bit of of chocolate, butter, etc. Arlo is a very big fan of cake. Any kind of cake: fruit, nut, carrot, special or plain- he's not fussy and he loves them all. But for his birthday he requested a chocolate cake 'with icing in the middle' and something to take to school to share with his classmates. So I made coconut rough and he said it took just a few minutes for the class to polish it off at 3pm.
Tom and I were thinking about all the houses we've lived in over the past ten years. There have been quite a few of them- something that's caused me maternal guilt when I consider my extremely stable, always-there childhood home. So I made this little painting for A on the occasion of him turning 10. Six houses on six different streets in ten years. It was fun to think about them all and remember how the windows, doors and colours were. Thank you, houses.