I've been trying to write letters, lately. Along with everyone in the world, I love receiving letters. But I don't write enough myself. The old email is just too easy and (sad to say) sometimes the act of handwriting (as opposed to typing) can feel laborious and foreign. But I'm determined to write more paper letters. And so I thought having a stack of stationery on hand would be a good start.
A while back I found a plain set of writing paper (cream) with matching envelopes amongst all my craft supplies. I used some hand-carved stamps to print some matching sets. And on some other pieces, I did a spot of good old-fashioned paper collage. I used mod-podge and some pictures from old gardening books and random bits of paper I'd been saving for such a job.
And now the 'stationery cupboard' is all set up for some serious correspondence. That's the plan, anyway.
I recently read about this letter-writing club in Auckland. Does anyone know if there's one in Wellington?
Have you ever taken a look at my pinterest board 'ways to wrap'? I've been collecting favourite papery tricks on there for a while now.