No, I don't mean flowers made of hair, although I did see some of those once at an art exhibition, and they were attractive and unpleasant at the same time, if you know what I mean.
These are much less adventurous: some flower hairclips I made from scraps of wool felt. They are based on the designs I used for these pins.
I made some for K to help keep her hair under control as it's not quite long enough to tie back. And then I couldn't stop making them, so I made some pairs to take with me to Auckland this weekend.
I'm having a stall at the Auckland Art and Craft Fair which will be held at the Aotea Centre at 11am on Saturday the 8th. I signed up for my table quite a while ago and have recently begun to wonder why as the days and weeks filled up with many other things. But now I'm looking forward to it, especially staying with friends I don't get to spend enough time with throughout the year.