This is a little hooded coat I finished over the weekend. It's quite small, and specially designed for my baby niece who we'll be seeing again soon. I first saw the wool fabric in a local fabric store and fell in love with it- it's thick and soft and 100% wool- a bit like a good picnic blanket. I used some vintage viyella fabric for the lining- I think Louana originally gifted it to me (thank you!) and it has tiny little flowers and rabbits on it. The pattern is my own design, but I'm currently working on making it in different sizes. The coat fronts overlap a bit and fasten with a big interior dome. And then buttons and loops fasten the other side. I also have a couple on the go for A and K- they seem to be growing like crazy at the moment and are wanting to eat muesli and weetbix all the time. I hope this is normal! I seem to remember my brothers doing the same thing.
I found this late-blooming hydrangea growing on the roadside yesterday. I love that deep plum colour- and here and there you can see some faded summer blue, too. Hydrangeas are such amazing flowers.