Something I find myself doing every Christmas, and I expect you do too, is trying to think of little gifts to give to all those people in my life for whom I want to show a little appreciation for their friendship and support throughout the year. People like neighbours, friends, teachers, etc.
I figure that edible stuff is always good: so a batch of this fudge it was. So yummy, and easy too. And then, apricot truffle-thingies, which I've made most Christmases since I was a child, I think:
These are so quick, yum, and good for those vegan friends, if you have any:
Apricot Balls
250g dried apricots
1/4 cup white sugar
rind of one lemon/orange
2 Tbsp orange juice
1/2 cup dessicated coconut, more for rolling
Chop the apricots roughly, then put in a food processor with the sugar rind, and juice. Process until chopped finely. Then add the coconut and process until firm. Roll into small balls (one batch makes about 20) then roll in extra coconut. Keep in fridge till firm.
And then I made a batch of these wee tissue holders, as seen on many blogs, but I think I first saw them on Little Birds Handmade. I used the great tutorial here at Whip Up.
And you know what? I think I'm going to risk the busy streets, (although I'll walk there, I hate the challenge of finding a carpark) and go to Trade Aid to buy the rest of my presents that I was supposed to be making myself. They have such beautiful things in there, and there's no use stressing myself (and everyone else in this house) out, is there?